WOD Life - Tattoo Range
Crossfit giants ‘The Wod Life’ reached out and said they wanted to do something a little different for the space and wanted to do an “old school tattoo” style collection. Here is what we did!
You can find the Steen Jones x TWL ‘Jungle Range’ exclusively available at The Wod Life and Iconic.

Design Process
We started with concepting the range as I always do, first with pencil to paper. Once we had the collection mapped out and stoked on the direction, I painted them with watercolours before re-working them digitally.
“Steen begins his artwork by hand — not because he doesn’t have the technology to do it digitally, but because this is how he ensures that each and every design looks exactly how he wants it to. This painstaking attention to detail guarantees that no matter where his artwork ends up, it’s going to look flawless each and every time.”

The Collection
Without further ado, here is the collection!

Photography & Videography by Ab Sow