Surface Festival

I was stoked to find I was 1 of 12 mural artists selected for Surface Miami Street Art Festival. Surface is based out of Miami Marketta and runs for 10 days, and packed full of live art, exhibitions, workshops, live music and good times!

It was my first street art festival and I had no idea what to expect - I decided to take my own videographer to create my own content and capture it all  for those at home - so you can watch the 3 day recaps of fun in the sun below.

Special thanks to Natalie for the opportunity, Edwin Paulin for assisting and of course everyone that came out, supported and made it so memorable - I felt the love and had a blast!

Surface Street Art Festival returned to the streets of Miami, with: 12 large scale outdoor murals, a 2.4km fence line exhibition, a Rock’N’Slide skateboarding program, meet and greets with artists, the Heartfill ‘paint by number’ laneway community project and of course live music laneway concerts with Pete Murray & The Beautiful Girls” - Queensland.com

Photography and Videography by: Dizzie